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Orunla: Santeria and the Orisha of Divination
Orunla: Santeria and the Orisha of Divination
Orunla: Santeria and the Orisha of Divination
Item#: 025
Suggested Retail: $8.95
Wholesale: $5.37, 12 for $53.76

Product Description

In Cuban Santeria, Orunla(also called Ifa, Orunmila and Orula)holds a unique position. People initiated into the mysteries of any other Orisha are taught that Orunla's Priest's, the Babalawo, are intrinsically and hierarchically superior to all others. In fact, it is said that a man of great age can be a Priest of any other Orisha for many decades, attaining greta prestige and power, yet a little boy just initiated to the mysteries of Ifa is considered the old man's elder!

1-11 copies 40% Off ($5.37 ea.)
12+ copies 50% Off ($4.48 ea.)
Case Quantity: 100