Distribution Titles
Voodoo & Hoodoo
High John the Conqueror Charms & Rituals
Brand New Listings
Llewellyn's 2025 Astrological Calendar

Aganju; Santeria & the Orisha of the Volcano & Wilderness
Aganju; Santeria & the Orisha of the Volcano & Wilderness
Aganju; Santeria & the Orisha of the Volcano & Wilderness
Item#: 027
Suggested Retail: $8.95
Wholesale: $5.37, 12 for $53.76

Product Description

Orisha Aganjú is the personified spirit of the volcano and of the open spaces of wilderness in the Lukumi/Santería tradition which took shape in Cuba but originated among the Yoruba people of Southwestern Nigeria. One cannot understand Santería unless one looks at Santería’s antecedents.

1-11 copies 40% Off ($5.37 ea.)
12+ copies 50% Off ($4.48 ea)
Case Quantity: 100